PAEZ: multiplying
email revenue by 4

When Paez came to us, they were using Mailchimp and weren’t managing their email that well, mainly because of lack of time and resources.

We first decided to migrate them over Klaviyo, since they had a good amount of revenue and a large contact list of 80,000 users.

Starting from scratch, we took a new approach to their email design and copywriting, and built their entire email flow structure from zero.

Working with the marketing and brand team, we found an email identity that matched the brand as well as the summer collection.

But in email marketing, not everything is about design. We also helped taking decisions on which emails and communication to send in order to sell the collection and generate sales in the crucial months prior to the summer holidays, since Paez is a seasonal brand mainly focused on summer footwear.

So with an email strategy tailored to their brand and sales objectives, and flows matching their customer behaviour and needs, we managed to multiply by 4 the revenue generated via email marketing, despite the brand only growing by +50%.

SAVING 15,000€ / Month

Did you know that 70% of fashion brands use the 10% discount incentive for people to sign up to their newsletters?

But does it actually translate to incremental revenue, or do people who use it would have bought anyway?

With Brava Fabrics, we wanted to test that hypothesis, after seeing that about 20,000€ of sales were actually disappearing from the discount.

So what we did is try out a new incentive, which was a Monthly Draw to win a 300€ gift card. We wanted to see how it would impact the sign up rate, the conversion rate of these subscribers, and the impact on the discount.

And the results were pretty amazing. We saw that actually, more people were signing up to the popup, that the conversion rate of these subscribers was obviously lower because non-intent visitors were signing up to, but that by volume, the revenue wasn’t impacted, but big plus was that this revenue wasn’t impacted by discount, since there was no discount code attached to it.

By switching from a 10% discount sign up offer to a 300€ Gift Card draw, we actually brought +150% people to sign up and saved Brava Fabrics between 10,000€ to 20,000€ in revenue lost to discount.

Klaviyo loved it so much they even did a case study about it. Read about it


We’d be happy to have an initial chat with you to better understand your brand, how you work, what’s going on in your current email marketing strategy, and if we could eventually work together in improving these results.

So if you have a cool brand, want to really get the maximum out of your campaigns and flows, and think there could be a good fit between you and use, schedule a call or send me an email at and we’ll chat!